Today’s Prayer (08/12/2018)

Daily Prayer:
Oh Lord, please help more people realize the things that they are doing wrong, that they may repent before they die. I pray that more people will be saved in the day of judgement. Help those in the faith find these people and be faithful in sharing the gospel with them. In so doing, may they love on these people, as You love us so much. May we share the same love with our neighbor as You have shown towards us. We desire to live inside Your will, Lord. Convict every person that is far from You to repentance, including us. Lead us from every form of darkness that we may be encompassed in Your light. If there is someone that is need, lead us to them. Help us carry their burdens as You carry ours. Help us no longer pass by people on the streets that are struggling but stop and care for them. If it is by money, food, giving them a place to stay, praying for them, or whatever it may be, help us know how to properly care for their needs. We long to live for You and no longer for this world. Make us wise in Your presence. Give us counsel and lead us by Your hand. You are our deliverer and we trust in You, Jesus. We believe in You Lord. We love You. Amen.
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