Today’s Prayer (11/13/2018)

Oh Lord God, many times we say things and never follow through it. This is especially difficult when we know that we promised to be there for our spouse, through thick and thin, and have strayed from doing so. I know that many people know this to be true. They made a vow at marriage to love their spouse and do anything for them till the end, and now they find themselves doing things only for themselves and some may have been unfaithful. I know that I am a culprit of this as well. I know that I have not treated my spouse the best over these years and I am sorry Lord. Even my words now don’t do anything unless I show actions. And one thing I know Lord is that once the flame goes out, it is hard to light it again. I surely need Your help on this matter, as do many other people in marriages. We realize that we have not been the most faithful husband or wife, that we promised to be, but trust in You now and pray that our marriages will be healed. Yes Lord, come and put Your healing hand on my marriage and others that are broken. May we remember our vows and start to be true to them all over again. You have the power to do this in our lives. I know that You can do all things. I love You Lord. Amen.
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