Today’s Prayer (09/22/2019)

Lord, I pray that people will come to know You as their one true God, and no longer serve other idols in their lives. Surely, people have put their worldly things in place of You, where You should be the first person we go to in life. This is sad, as people now have doing good backwards, where their works are only good to men and not for You. They make up for themselves what they should be doing, instead of seeking Your hand to see if it is right. Therefore, their own instincts, apart from You, have led them astray into paths that don’t lead to You. So Lord, if any of these people proclaim to be Christians, wake them up to their sins. Help them know what is right, that they may repent now before it is too late. Yes, Lord, people are far from You and don’t even realize it. The evils of this world have a stronghold on these people’s lives and until the Holy Spirit enters them, will they never know You. So I pray for Your fire to enter their lives. Stir within them the need to be made clean. In their broken state, may they call upon Your Name and find forgiveness. They need Your mercy now, as I do not wish to see any people that say they are believers go to hell. You are our Savior and have the power to save them and lead them to people in the faith that can help them. Help us all be a light to this lost generation and also to our fellow brothers and sisters in the faith. If any of them are having a hard time with their faith now, may they find courage through prayer, reading the Bible and fellowshipping with others in the faith. All we can do Lord, is to lead them to You. Then, will they discover the greatest joy of all. I love You Lord. Amen.
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