Today’s Prayer (04/04/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that we will not let anything come before You. If we say that we are a believer of You, Jesus, them let us know what is coming against You. We do not wish to unknowingly walk in disobedience when we only wished to be saved in Your kingdom. So, God, if there are any idols in our lives now, please show them to us, that we may remove them together. Help us no longer keep attachments to such images or statues, but give us over to destroying them completely. These things are only vices of the enemy and should not be in our midst any longer. You are our God and whom we wish to serve from here on out. And if people are praying this prayer with me, and they have in their midst idols, Mary, the Saints, Buddha, Hindhu gods, or any other strange gods in their household, convict them of these sins. Help them know that reselling them is also wrong, for they should only be destroyed, lest another person gets caught up in such wretched and vial things. I know that Catholics, like Buddhists and those in the Hindu religion, are in danger of hellfire, because of all their idols in their midst. Therefore, give them over to a humble and repentant heart today. Help them know that these things will only cause them to further themselves from You, and not draw them closer. People will need to look into their hearts and determine who they want to serve and even make a change in where they go to church, but this is necessary. Just like You led me out of Mormonism, people in every false religion need to repent and come out of their church for Your sake. Even our phone, TV, Sports, and video games are acting as idols, and need to be limited or removed. Thank You for speaking this truth to my heart, oh Lord. I give You everything this day and forever. I love You. Amen.
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