Sinner’s Prayer (09/21/2020)

Oh Lord, we love You and repent of all our sins. Please forgive us for forsaking You all these many days, weeks, months, and hours. We are sorry for serving other things, for we know that we ought to put You first in our lives. So, God, convict us of our sins. Change our lives and conform us into Your perfect will. We confess that our priorities have been messed up and we ask that You forgive us. Have mercy upon our souls. This doesn’t mean that we desire forgiveness now, that we might do the same things later on. What we desire is for You to rip out of our lives every unclean thing. Set our heart to serve You and to be a light unto this lost generation. Lord, the TV set and my smartphone has taken up way to much time in my life and I am sorry for all the wasted moments. Even for this little time that I have left on this earth, begin to use me for Your kingdom. Every day that I have breath, keep me on Your righteous path, that I may not fall. Your ways are pure, holy, and faithful, and I wish to have these same characteristics in my life always. Lord, lead me far from temptation, that I may not fall victim to the same things as before. I have learned from my mistakes and am ready to serve You now. For, Lord, You are my God and my delight. I am made clean because You are my Savior and Redeemer. May I learn as I read the Bible daily. Help me to see my own and other people’s needs in prayer. I want to serve You now, so lead me in Your light. I love You, Jesus. Amen.
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