Today’s Prayer (10/18/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will begin to read the Bible daily and find Your truth for themselves. That they will no longer be influenced by the teachings of men, but come to a realization of what is true in their life. That You will be able to show them what is false and lead them into what is truth. Your ways are true and faithful, and I pray that more people will be so desirous to learn from You also. There are so many evil influences out there, and I pray that You will cast them out of every person’s lives that say they believe in You. I only wish to see more people be saved, but this is really tough when people’s eyes are wired shut. But one thing I know of that can open their eyes is the Holy Spirit. So it is my prayer that You will pour down the Spirit upon these wonderful people, who are far from You now, but think they are near. Bring them into a loving relationship with You once and for all. Then, will they begin to see and discover for themselves what is the fullness of joy. No matter the darkness that is currently in their lives, You are able to scatter it. Just one word and every evil force will be cast far from us, that Your Spirit can dwell in us instead. I believe in You, Jesus. I love You, God. Lead me and others in the ways of righteousness. Don’t allow us again to be mixed up in false religions and false beliefs. Teach us Your ways instead. We do not wish to be led astray, but be on Your path, which leads to heaven. No matter if I’ve enjoyed a false teaching, rip it from my life, that I might run from it and into Your everlasting arms. I love You, more. This I pray, God, in the Name Jesus Christ. Amen.

1 Corinthians 3:16,17

1 Corinthians 3:16,17 (KJV)
16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.