Today’s Prayer (11/06/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that people would learn to love You and their neighbor as themselves. That they would become more selfless and less selfish. Help them learn what it means to give and not just to receive. So many people’s happiness relies on what they receiving in life and not what they are doing towards others, which is very sad. What they gain is so often more important than what they can do for someone else who is in need. If people could just see their actions as You see them, then things would be different. They would receive Your wise counsel and start living for You instead of themselves. They would repent of their selfish ambitions and learn to love what You love and hate what You hate. All I know, God, is that the things of this world are often so misleading. What appears to be so good on the surface often has bugs or issues along the way. Even the technology in our devices, like smartphones and tablets, only lasts for so long before people think they need a new upgrade. Things get old fast, as new things are coming out each year. And so people come into financial problems because of the run of their credit card. And oh how all this could have stopped overnight if people would learn to do good unto others instead of themselves all the time. One thing I’ve learned is that when I am in Your service is when I am the happiest. And if another person is loved by some good work I did for them, then I am loved the same way. Even my joy is increased. Lord, my greatest joy is when I know Your work is done, and when other people’s needs are met. That is that matters. I give You glory! I don’t deserve anything that is praiseworthy, for You deserve it all. I love You. Amen.
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