Today’s Prayer (11/15/2020)

Oh Lord, I pray that we will put You in our remembrance at all times and in places. That You will not be distant in our lives, but close to our hearts. Only when we draw near unto You, can You draw near unto us. We cannot continue in our sinful ways and think that You are ok with our lives. Just like the prodigal son did, we ought to repent and come back to You for forgiveness. Then, can our lives get back in order again. You are able to raise us up into newness of life all over again if we would just put our trust in You. I know that all things are possible for those people who seek Your hand and don’t lose heart in You. Prayer is also so important, but so often it is forgotten altogether. Sure, people pray over food as a family ritual, but personal and family prayer is what is lacking. The same goes for Bible study. People do so well at church with finding time to read Your Word, but at home, this is another story. Because their phone, TV, computer, and other devices take their attention, You are left in the dark. So again, I ask every person who says they are a believer why they cannot put You first? How come other things are more important to them when only You can save their soul from hell? I just wish that people would decide, once and for all, to go all in. That they would understand what they are putting ahead of You and cast them aside altogether if needed. And if there is good to come out of these devices still, help them find ways to use them for personal growth and ministry reasons. Sometimes the thing we use don’t have to be cast out, but how we use them needs to change. And You know exactly how that can happen. We just need to reach out to You for answers. I love You, Lord. I believe in You. Amen.
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