Leading People Astray To Watch Porn

There is one thing in this world that really disgusts me more than anything else, other than Abortion, and that is Pornography. It has taken me victim before and I know its evil effects if not repented of. As a Christian, I am also a moderator in the two largest Christian Facebook Groups, which are “The Holy Bible” and “Jesus Christ Is God”. In this role, I have volunteered to go through people’s posts to make sure they are not against God, about money, phones, porn, and other nonsensical things. And guess what I am seeing more than not that is offensive to God in these groups? Porn images with a link to the video. You may say, but how, since this is a Christian Group? My friends, just as there are wolves in sheep’s clothing in churches we go to, there are the same types of people that join these groups in order to lead people astray. And what do you think will lead a person furthest from God? It is sexual sin, of course. That is why when Paul addresses things that will keep us out of the kingdom of God, four out of the 10 things pertain to sexual sin. These are those verses with the parts pertaining to sexual sin bolded. It reads, “know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.” (1 Corinthians 6:9,10) Do not let yourself be numbered among these people who are not saved. Come unto Jesus instead.

As for those people who post about money, phones, porn, and other nonsensical things in these Facebook groups, they are also blocked. That means that any of their posts within 7 days will also be deleted. Praise God. However, Facebook doesn’t allow us to delete any other posts that are further back. And what is really sad is that I do not know the thousands or even millions of people who may have seen these posts from these wicked people. Surely, they are laying a stumbling block upon others, which leads them on the path to destruction with them. And what does the Bible say about this? Paul said, “let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another. For meat destroy not the work of God. All things indeed are pure; but it is evil for that man who eateth with offence. It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak.” (Romans 14:19-21) Therefore, as Christians, we are to edify one another in the faith, not to lead anyone astray into following the lusts of the flesh. As for every porn watcher and people who share pornographic video clips online, God’s wrath is upon them. Especially upon those who share this filth on social media platforms like Facebook. As Paul addressed above, this addiction is fornication, which is sex outside of marriage. For in this moment, we are allowing ourselves to have virtual sex with the person in the video in our mind. If these sins are not repented of, Jesus will surely cast these people in the lake of fire come judgment day.

Let us pray:
Oh Lord, I pray that people who are addicted to pornography will repent and call upon Your Name today in all their confessions. Then, can they experience Your mercy and forgiveness for their lives. There still is time for people to get right with You, but I am afraid that time has already passed for millions of people as I speak. And among those who have died, are thousands of people who were into porn. This is a very sad statistic that I wish was not the case. All this means is that people are waking up in hell from all around the world, even as I speak. A place that people may not even thought of, while they were fulfilling the lusts of their flesh. But now it is a wake-up call for the ungodly. They had their chance to escape the fiery depths of hell while they still had breath, but they didn’t allow themselves to know You, Jesus. Sure, their parents may be saved, but we cannot rely on our parents or another person’s faith for salvation. Instead, we need to gain that special relationship with You on our own accord, God. This is when salvation begins, for the day that we trust in You, You are able to take us by the hand and lead us on the path of righteousness. Lord, there was a time that I could not break free from my porn addiction, but it was only because I was missing the biggest factor of overcoming it. I needed Your strength to overcome. It was the day that I cried out to You in all my confessions that something began to change. Over the next few days, months, and years, my desire to look at porn began to go away entirely. For You gave me new desires, that are for the building of Your kingdom instead. I love and respect You and my fellow men and women now. Amen.

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