Today’s Prayer (04/01/2021)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will make a choice to follow You and not men. Many of these people are false teachers and are only out to deceive us. My family has even fallen into believing the lies of Mormonism, of which deeply troubles my soul. Yes, I am thankful that You have led me out of that cult once and for all, but now I wish to know how to lead my family members out also. I am afraid that most of them have hearts and minds that are closed off to anything that is not taught in Mormonism. Even if the Bible says something a certain way, they would rather trust in their prophets instead of Your words. This is very disheartening. But I know that with You doing the work, any person can be rescued from the evil one. How this can happen, only You know. I just pray that there will be more and more opportunities to witness to my own family who are lost. I give You thanks for a few weeks back when You allowed me to talk to my sister and her family, who are Mormon, for a few hours. The time with them was wonderful. Because the Holy Spirit was in the room, I was able to talk with each of them with love and respect. There were no arguments, for Your love filled the atmosphere. I don’t know what has happened since that discussion, but I pray that one day their hearts will be more softened to know You. All I desire is to lead people to follow You, Jesus. I love You. Amen.
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1 thought on “Today’s Prayer (04/01/2021)”

  1. Sincerely greatfull for your prayers, have been reciting prayers in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus, with all Honor and Glory to GOD, our Almighty Father in Heaven according to His Word, Will, and Way, starting with Mathew 7:7-8, Proverbs 4:7, Romans 12:1-2, 8:28, Numbers 6:24-26, and well beyond. How about our Father’s Prayer? Please advise further according to the Word, Will, and Way of GOD to best pray. Am sincerely a little unsure and concerned at this point. Ken E.


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