Today’s Prayer (10/26/2021)

Oh Lord, I pray that You will help me become the type of father I should be to my two daughters. Help me to also be the husband I should be to my wife. You first introduced my wife to me and we got married. Soon after, you gave unto us children and I am so grateful. I don’t always act this way and I am sorry. My children and my wife have specific needs and I pray that I may be able to fill their needs one day at a time as You lead me by the hand. Give me guidance and direction, that I might be led in doing things for them that also glorifies You in return. I know that I have not always been the best father to my children or the best husband to my wife. I have said some things that are very hurtful to them and I am so very sorry. So Lord, give me words to speak when I am around my kids and my wife. Even if they start to argue with me, help me speak in a way that will dissipate the anger, that subjects arise. I know that I am not perfect. I have done things that have caused me to not love my wife in the way she should be. But all this can be mended and be made whole once again. Not on my own doing, but with You helping me know what things need to be changed for the better. It does take three for marriages to get better, which includes You, and I pray that my wife will also learn to respect me as I love her. Help us both in these efforts. I love You, Lord. I give You praise. Amen.
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