Today’s Prayer (06/07/2022)

Oh Lord, I pray that people of every walk of life will come to know about Your blood atonement, that was made for us on the cross. My desire is that every person will have a chance to be saved. Therefore, I pray that Your pure gospel message of the cross and resurrection will be made known to every tribe, town, city, state, and country. No matter the language that people speak, help us engage with them in their own native tongue. And if we are unable to travel, I pray that our focus will be on our own state and neighboring states also. In these areas, help us find people who are interested in going out with us, in order to reach the lost. I know that a lot of good can take place when we are opening our mouths for You. Truly, You give us words in that very moment and hour that we speak. This only happens when I submit my life to You. Lead me, Lord. Continue to give me boldness to talk to people about You, Jesus, and the pure gospel message. It saddens me when people tamper with it and preach another gospel. I love You, Lord. I give You praise and honor. Help me to know and teach Your truths. Amen.
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