The Fire Of The Holy Spirit

The day that Jesus came unto His disciples, the day of His resurrection, He ushered in the holy Spirit to them. However, it was then that others would also gain the same gift.

Trust In The Lord And Pray Often

Some of you may be praying for mercy and forgiveness. This is s a very good thing to do and praise be to God that you are giving your heart to Him now in prayer.

Living For The Flesh Or God?

Earlier, I mentioned a portion of the story of the prodigal son. This is because we are all like him at one time in our lives.

Pornography Needs To Be Addressed

Pornography is adultery in God’s eyes. And because of this, He does not tolerate it either. This is why this vial sin is on the list of willful sins that will keep a person out of heaven when they die.

Break Free From Addiction

Come broken before the Lord in prayer. Make an offering of your heart to Him. If you are sincere in your desire for change, He will have mercy upon you.

Jesus Is Our Everything

Jesus is the only person that can break us free from our addictions, depression, and shame. So please come unto Him today!

Halloween Is the Devil’s Holiday

Did you not know that the bible says, “have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” (Ephesians 5:11)

David’s Anointing From God

It was after David got the calling from God to be King, that God’s anointing was removed from Saul. So the Spirit of God left him and an evil spirit found rout in Saul’s heart instead.

Thanks To All Women

The Lord surely gave woman the ability to calm their children. Everything you do is so amazing. You are changing the world because of your love.

Sing Praises To The Lord

My help is in the Lord. He is my hope and my strength. My trust is in Jesus. Through repentance I’ve discovered His mercy.

David And Jonathan

Jonathan was David’s best friend, and during these rough times, he was able to go to him, along with God, for help.

God Hates A Lying Tongue

It is when we are truthful to people, is when trust is also built. Now the opposite is when people lie and even jokingly lie and then say sorry sarcastically.

A Renewed Life In Christ

When it comes to our new life in Christ, Paul described this new walk in great detail in Romans, chapter 7. How we are married to Christ when we believe in Him.

Mary Magnified Her Son, Who Is The Lord

After Elizabeth rejoiced in Mary’s son, Mary also rejoiced in him. And because she said some amazing things through the Holy Spirit, there is less I have to say but share what she said.

Flee From Pornography

With the Lord’s help we can do anything. Even a life of sin can be turned upside down. I felt the Lord’s forgiveness in my life and anyone else with this addiction can too.

Victory In Christ The Lord

We are healed from every wound. “Death is swallowed up in victory.” We can overcome the world through Christ Jesus.

Made Whole Through Jesus

Trust in God, that He will restore your heart. Your fight is over. Come back into His loving arms. It is never too late to come back to Christ.

Help Lead Me Lord

Oh Lord, lead me to those that have had enough of the heartaches of this world. Those that are open to hear your words.