God Cleansed Me Of All My Sins

Now myself and David have a lot in common. We both lusted after women and commit adultery, in the meantime. I was also big into looking at pornography.

A Witness For Christ

The message that I have to share with people comes from the Bible and by of the Holy Spirit. This I teach and preach that all people will be drawn unto the Lord and repent.

Unconditional Love

Unconditional love continues when children have gone astray. It continues when your spouse has fallen under an addiction.

Love Your Enemies

The same love that God has shown to us leads us to forgive one another. Jesus has taught that he shows mercy upon us as we have mercy upon others.

Come To Jesus And Rejoice

When you give your life to Jesus, it is the most amazing thing ever. Your mind becomes invigorated in the Spirit.

Jesus Can Free Us From Sin

Be true followers of Jesus. Don’t let anything hold you back. Let Jesus cleanse your heart. Walk in rightlessness. For its gift is Eternal Life.

Jesus Is God

The Bible is clear that Jesus is God and also our judge and creator. He is our Lord God and deserves our praise and worship.

Eager To Come To God

Are you eager to come to God? A person that longs to obey Him, while keeping His commandments.

Confession Is Necessary

If you have recently done something wrong against a person you love then tell them what you’ve done immediately and request their forgiveness.

The Lord’s Prayer

The Lord’s prayer surely is a roadmap we can all use in our daily prayer life. Also know that Jesus wants a sincere heart in prayer.

Jesus Is The Lord And Savior

“Praise ye the Lord.” If you love God, will you also proclaim the name of Jesus? Sing out in joyous praises, if you are saved.

As God Convicts Us, We Listen

If you are for God, then you will help those in need and never laugh at people’s problems. Instead, love and care for every person you meet that has difficulties.

Gossip Is Hurtful And Causes Strife

I speak of gossip and hurtful things that people say, because although it may make the person saying such things feel good, it damages other people to the core.

You Are Not Beyond Saving

As I was sitting there, awaiting my just punishment, a peace and warmth came over me. I didn’t understand what was happening and why.