Utah Mission Trip (05/06/17)

As we walked back towards Temple Square we ended up seeing a lonely man at the entrance of the Temple Square. I could feel the Spirit telling us to talk with Him.

Utah Mission Trip (04/04/22)

Through Jesus’s death on the cross, atonement was made for us. Adding Gethsemane is a false gospel and takes away from the cross.

Be Wise In God’s Words

To the unbeliever and all those that are involved with a false church, it is so important to repent and be made right with God today.

Evangelize: Poplar Street

Those in the faith of Jesus Christ are part of His body. We are all made up in the body of Christ and not a church building.

Utah Mission Trip (10/14/17)

This night, something amazing happened that has never happened before. Two different people wanted additional gospel tracts to pass out to others.

The Cost Of Being A Disciple

The Lord still works in our lives now and still sends His disciples out into the world, in order to lead people out of bondage and unto Him.

Utah Mission Trip (10/06/19)

After this experience with this man, I continued to preach the gospel to people that passed by me. They were coming and going from the conference center and it was a great time to witness the truths of the gospel to them.

Run And Finish The Race

It is important that we start the race for Jesus and the gospel‘s sake, and then finish it well. Rewards are then given out.

False Apostles In Mormonism

Be not deceived into following false apostles and prophets. They come bearing another gospel, which is leading people astray.

Book Of Mormon: Examining 5 Things

The Book of Mormon (BOM) is said to be the most correct book on earth, according to Mormons. For that reason, let us put it to the test.

Do Not Add To The Bible

Do not accept another gospel even if an angel preaches it. Do not listen to those that preach another Jesus outside the Bible.

A Most Special Time On The Streets

This was such an amazing encounter with Bess, who is homeless. As I was walking back to my car that day, I saw her and could not let her leave without giving her what she needed.

More Workers For The Harvest

The seeds we plant through evangelism are so necessary. Even these gospel tracts I passed out tonight are important in reaching the lost.

Passing Out Bibles To Everyone

After we left this neighborhood, Patrick, Jaron and I, all went downtown to continue passing out the “Gospel of John” booklets.

Utah Mission Trip (10/08/18)

What is true is the Jesus paid for our sins on the cross and not Gethsemane, as the Bible teaches. That Deacons are to have one wife like Bishops, as the Bible teaches.