Chastisement From God

Sin and unbelief are what keeps us from following Jesus and being saved. If only they let God into their lives.

Lusts Of The Flesh

Our lust causes us to be cruel to people we love. It also causes us to do stupid things we will regret. God can fix all this.

The Church Of Thyatira

God has something to say to those who live under the Jezebel Spirit, which is fornication, adultery, homosexuality, and porn.

The Rapture: Part 2

One day God’s people will be raptured up with Christ. Then will they be given white robes and sing praises to the Lamb who saves.

The Two Witnesses: Part 2

God’s two witnesses will be able to breathe fire out of their mouths, cause it not to rain, turn water into blood, and much more.

The War In Heaven: Part 2

Lucifer was cast out of heaven and since then has been persecuting Israel and Christ’s church. This will end with Jesus’s return.