A Warning From God

One day my Lord, and my King, Jesus, will return to take us home. All I can say is, come Lord Jesus! I am ready, God.

Joseph Was Sold Into Egypt

Jealousy and covetousness cause people to do some crazy things, even to the point of killing people because of anger.

The Ten Commandments: #8

Christians do not steal but give instead. Taking what is not ours is of the devil, but giving to others is of God.

Wars And Rumors Of Wars

Jesus spoke of wars and rumors of wars. This is the time we are living in now. Come unto Him and He will give you peace.

The 2nd, 4th, and 5th Commandments

Every one of the ten commandments is important in the times we are living in. For this reason, I will be writing on a set of them each day until I am finished with Leviticus, chapter 19. The first four verses go over the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Commandments. The 2nd law is, “thou shalt