God’s Magnificent Creation

We were made in the likeness of God. We all have a purpose on earth. We are not alone for God is always with us. Thank Him each day in prayer.

An Alter Call To Come To Jesus

May this be calling to come to Jesus be your alter call this day. Will you come to the front and give your life to Jesus Christ today?

Make Time For The Lord

Seek the Lord and His counsel. Follow His will because you love Him. He will be with you every step of the way.

Jesus Died That We Might Live

Give your lives to Jesus. Let Him be a light in your life. There is hope and salvation through our Lord Jesus. He felt all our pains that our sins may be washed away.

Learn From God And His Word

Though a person of faith may desire to come to learn from God, Satan uses many different things to deter them.

Quit Drinking And Be Sober Minded

I pray that everyone in the faith that has a drinking problem will eventually come to their senses and give it over to God in prayer.

Baptisms: Angela And Toni

Next up for baptism was Toni. And her having back problems, Gage and I helped her into the water. The three of us men then helped support Toni, as I got ready to baptize her.

Walk In The Truth

Seek to love the Lord our God. Love our neighbor as ourselves. Let this love take you deeper than ever before.

Consequences To Alcohol

Solomon continued to say, “Let not thine heart envy sinners.” It is unwise to want what they have. It also very foolish to be partakers in their same sins.

After Death Comes The Judgement

Those that die in their faith, have done more than just believe. They have realized that faith without works is dead and therefore did as God’s Word says.

We Are To Love Our Enemies

It is better to pray and love on those that are mean to us, then have God’s wrath be upon us also. Jesus said, “bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.”

Free From Addiction

Addiction is sin and in Christ, these sins are destroyed, that we may follow Him to the fullest. As mentioned, addictions come in all forms but a growing trend among young people is vaping.

The Place Of Judgement

As for those people that have either rejected the Lord Jesus in their lives or didn’t show fruits of their faith, they will have a very different outcome, come judgement day.

Call Upon The Lord

Give your heart to the one who gives life. Lean on the Lord and He will be with you. He will never be far from you when you need Him.

Jesus Is God

The Bible is clear that Jesus is God and also our judge and creator. He is our Lord God and deserves our praise and worship.

God’s Goodness In Us

As we are called by Jesus to “abide in me, and I in you”, the more we do so, the more we will walk in His good works.


We’ve learned that participating in a holiday that has a demonic background is wrong. This is like playing with fire.

Abortion Is Murder

Please understand that children, unborn or born, are precious in the sight of God. Never ever harm your children unless you desire the wrath of God, this includes abortion.

God Helps Us Love

When God’s love comes into our lives, our desires are flipped upside down. Instead of wanting so much, we instead give what we can.