When To Give And Not To Give

It is important to give to others who truly have a need. God helps us know who is in this predicament. Trust in His guidance.

Homosexuality And Pornography

People who are proud, lovers of their own selves, are without natural affection, and love pleasure, depart from the faith.

We Are All Witnesses For Jesus

As believers in Jesus, we are to all be a light for Him in this darkened world. This means allowing the Spirit to open our mouths and do a work in our lives also.

Love Of Money

Being rich isn’t the problem, it is when people love their wealth, and possessions, and have little to do with God because of it.

The Church Of Thyatira

God has something to say to those who live under the Jezebel Spirit, which is fornication, adultery, homosexuality, and porn.

A Warning From God

One day my Lord, and my King, Jesus, will return to take us home. All I can say is, come Lord Jesus! I am ready, God.

The Creation of Adam And Eve

We are God’s best creation, having been created in God’s image. So why would someone attempt to stop what God is creating?

The Consequences Of The Fall

The Bible speaks about the consequences of a painful and sorrowful childbirth given to women because of Adam and Eve’s fall.