
How deep are the sins of the world we live in today. Technology is wonderful for many different reasons but also very destructive in the lives of millions.

Come To Jesus

I wait for You Lord. I long for your return. Abide in me always. For I love Your Presence, Lord. I am a better person with Your Holy Spirit in my life.

Walk With The Lord

Revive my mind daily to walk in your ways. My flesh is weak but your word has power. When I am with You in prayer, you build me up.

Doctrines Of Men

A person that builds up their faith on prayer and the Bible is secure in God’s kingdom. These people have a right to share the truth of God with others, for the Lord is with them.

Repent And Abide In The Lord

Let the Lord convict you of your sins. Cry unto God and ask for forgiveness. May these desires lead you to pray often and seek God’s hand in your life.

Christian Characteristics

The early church members are a great example of how a Christian ought to live a life for Christ. When I say ought to, it means desire to live righteously and get off of the path of wickedness.

Abortion Is Murder

Please understand that children, unborn or born, are precious in the sight of God. Never ever harm your children unless you desire the wrath of God, this includes abortion.

Faith Plus Works

It is God that would move us to love one another as He loves us. Without such love in our lives, there Is no true faith.

Live For Jesus

If you are sincere in your actions, the Lord will free you from slavery. The more you seek Him the more you will dislike sin and love God.

Come Lord Jesus

Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega, and the bright and morning star. I am ready to receive my bride. So I say, Come Lord Jesus!

The Need For Good Works

How can people see Christians and glorify God, if there are no good works in our lives? Therefore, faith without works is dead.

Accept Jesus As Lord

To accept Jesus into our hearts means to make Him the highest priority in our lives. We sacrifice our time to live a life for Him.