The Sixth Seal Is Opened

Those who love Jesus will be ready for His return. It is the wicked that will be looking for ways to hide from His wrath to come.

The Rapture: Part 2

One day God’s people will be raptured up with Christ. Then will they be given white robes and sing praises to the Lamb who saves.

Halloween Is An Evil Holiday

When people celebrate Halloween as others do in the world, they are calling evil good. This means God is not with them.

When A Loved One Dies

God gives us the strength we need when people we love pass away. He also helps us mourn with those who are suffering.

The Ten Commandments: #5

God spoke and we should listen up. Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the land.

Tithing: Old Covenant

In the old covenant people gave a certain percentage unto the Lord, whereas in the new covenant we give what God puts on our hearts.