Kings, Presidents And All Rulers

When a person is no longer ruling over the land, because of their own ambitions, but for the good of the people, there is peace.

Gain Wisdom And Keep It

Those that look to Christ are safely guided by God. Because we are quick to remember Him and what He teaches us through scripture and prayer, we draw nearer to Him daily.

Abortion Is Shedding Innocent Blood

When women murder their unborn babies, their innocent blood is on their hands. They have seriously defiled their own bodies with the blood of innocent children.

Living For God Makes Us Different

God uses people in the faith that not only believe in Him, but also love Him with their whole hearts. This means that a person has sought out God, in order to know Him.

The Role Of A Deacon

Every calling in Christ Church is all specified in detail in the Bible. Therefore, study God’s Word, in order to know His will.

Giving To The Poor

When you make food at home or go out for dinner, why not invite someone who is less fortunate to join you, like a homeless person.