Declare The Good News

The Lord urges us to spread His gospel to everyone. His message is not only vital to our family and friends but to others we come in contact with.

Solomon Received Wisdom And Knowledge

Every person that asks of the Lord, will gain different spiritual gifts like Solomon did. All he wanted was to gain wisdom and enough knowledge to judge the people, which God was happy about.

King Rehoboam Listened To The Wrong Counsel

Rehoboam was given counsel from wise men who feared God, and also those that didn’t care to make things better for the people. Here is what they both presented to the king.

The Bible Is True

Through reading the Bible we will know it is true. It is alive and God speaks through every each verse.

False Prophets Have A Lying Spirit

God sends his servants to speak through Him, although we must be on our toes for many false prophets, like in Mormonism, are out in wolves clothing deceiving millions of people throughout the generations.

Sacrificing Children In Abortion

An Abortion is sacrificing children for people’s own selfish benefit. This is an abomination to God and His anger is upon them.

Return To The Lord Jesus

If you have fallen away from Jesus, please return back to the Lord today. His mercy is for those that come unto Him.

Baptisms For The Dead

Be careful! Unless you read the Bible, chapter by chapter, and keep this up daily, you may easily take God’s Word out of context.

The Wicked Kings Of Israel

Generations can easily be affected in a very bad way when people before them do evil in the sight of God and do not repent.

Stand Strong In Persecution

Lift up the Lord in all you do. Let His light shine in your life. In persecution stand strong in your faith.

Is God Your Protector?

God is your protector if He dwells in you. If not, then willful sin is present instead. You must make a choice whom you will serve.