Today’s Prayer (02/19/2023)

Oh Lord, I pray for more revivals to take place in all the world. I am grateful for what I am seeing at the Asbury University in Kentucky. Praise God that thousands of people have already given their lives to You. It is so wonderful to see this happen. If only there was a revival that would take place in my city and state. I have been able to be a part of this revival in Kentucky via social media and YouTube, but nothing is like seeing Your presence come in person. Lord, thank You for being there in my life. I am able to see You in so many different things. Even during worship service at church makes me want to cry. For I love You so much, God. I cannot wait for Your return. The Holy Spirit is here and well in my life, but to see You in person, Jesus, is what I long for. Until then, come and start a revival in the city and state I am living in. May it cause people who would normally question You, come to faith. I love You, Jesus. I trust in You, God. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (02/18/2023)

Oh Lord, I pray that more people will rise up and follow You. That they will no longer be a prisoner to the things of this world, but will allow You to help them break free from it. You are the Lord of my life and I pray that these people will make the Lord of theirs also. If only this world would know You and then it would be filled with Your righteousness also. There is good that only comes from You. If only this world could have a taste of Your goodness, they would never go back to their sinful ways again. I know we are not perfect, but people on Your side fight against temptation instead of blatantly giving in to it each time. We do fall at times when our guard is down but acknowledge our sins so that we might be forgiven. Lord, receive our confessions today. We have done wrong and ask for Your mercy. You mean everything to me and I pray that I will showcase Your love to people in this world. I love You, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (02/17/2023)

Oh Lord, I pray for the lost people in Mormonism. They are so deceived and don’t even realize it. How can they put on their god hats when entering their temples and think there are no consequences? What is sad is that they teach and tell people outside their cult that only their church is true. How Your church was restored to the earth, of which all other churches are part of a great apostasy. God, I have asked the missionaries in their church, including their members, what was in the original church that had to be restored and they always give answers to things that never existed in the early church. They say things like baptisms for dead people, priesthood for men, prophets leading the church, atonement in the garden teaching, and more. Do they not realize the Bible teaches that there are no second chances after death, and how only You hold the priesthood now, Jesus? Prophets don’t lead anyone like in the Old Testament, for You lead the church, Jesus. And for them to take away from the importance of the cross and say that the payment of sins happened in the garden is such a wicked and vile teaching. I rebuke them in Your name, Jesus. I love You, God. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (02/16/2023)

Oh Lord, I pray that more people will come to You and also be used for Your kingdom. To come to You humbly, in order for Your presence to be in their lives. With the power of the Holy Spirit and You, Father, we can do all things on earth and in heaven. God, I love it when Your presence is with me. Not only am I moved by the Spirit, but people around me are influenced also. Surely, I can do so much more when You are doing the work through me than when I try to do the work myself. This is when people don’t listen and walk right past me. I can approach people with good intent, but without You, they will not understand my purpose for their lives. So I pray that whenever I go out evangelizing that not only You are doing the talking through me, but that Your presence will come upon people I am talking to. This is the only way I will ever see results for Your kingdom. Lord, use me mightily by Your hand. I trust in You, Jesus. I love You. You are my deliverer. My strong tower, and fortress, that will never fall. You are my victory. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (02/15/2023)

Oh Lord, I pray that Mormons will see how false their teachings really are and run away from them and into Your arms. This is what I have been hoping for the many years that I have been witnessing to them. My desire is sincere and to only see them avoid the destructive path they are on, while getting on the path that leads to eternal life in heaven. This life is short and to continue to believe something that is false is so terrible. Do they not realize that every time they close their ears to Christians, and what Your Bible teaches, their ears are also closed off to You also? I am sad to know that hundreds of Mormon missionaries that have blocked me on Facebook over the years. Not only have they stopped listening to Your servant, but they have also stopped listening to You. I have to wonder what is so important in their cult that keeps them in it. Truly, for You to give them a clean heart is more important than keeping friends and family intact. Help them understand that people may not be happy with our choices, but for You, it does not matter. I love You, Jesus. You are my everything. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (02/14/2023)

Oh Lord, thank You for my wife. We have been together now for sixteen, almost seventeen years, which hasn’t always been easy, but worth it still. What a wonderful woman she is. Not only is she a wonderful mother, but continually cares for their daily needs. I am left amazed how well our children are doing in school because she stays up late with them helping them with their homework. They always have a lunch made and there is food on the table each day. I cannot tell her enough for everything she does for our children and myself. Lord, I have been able to go on mission trips, do evangelism on the weekends, and more, without any questions asked. I am grateful that she trusts me, especially when I am out serving You. In this new year, we have both made new goals, but one I will make now is to have You in this marriage more and more. I am not perfect when it comes to loving my wife the way she deserves to be loved. So help me do what is necessary in order for her to feel loved by me. Lead me through the Holy Spriit, in order for this marriage to continue on with You at the head. Lead us, Jesus. I love You, God. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (02/13/2023)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will begin to live their lives for You. This life is short and the majority of people are wasting their days living for the flesh. It is very sad when I go to funerals where people have died because of an overdose, drinking and driving, partying, and venereal diseases, which come from homosexual and outside-marriage sexual relations. My heart’s desire is to see fewer people like this go to hell and into paradise. This is why I spend my days witnessing to the lost. Do most people listen to what I have to say to them? No. However, if even one out of the ninety and nine come to You in faith, then my joy is fulfilled. Lord, here is my prayer for people who will soon die. I pray that they will have warnings up until their last breath. Continue to cause their conscience to be seared, so that more people will be sorry for their sins. They are so close to either winning the prize of eternal life or losing their souls in hell. Help them know this. I pray that fewer people will lose their souls in the end. I love You, Jesus. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (02/12/2023)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will allow You to judge the dead and not think that they have any right to change their destination. Mormons really have some nerve to play god, while doing work for dead people in their wicked temples. God, I am still waiting for the day when these temples will crumble and fall to the ground. This day may not happen in my lifetime, but surely before Your coming, Jesus. Do these religious people not realize that there is a literal hell for the wicked? How they will be tormented day and night in flames of fire? If they think they are going to take them out of hell with their works for the dead, they have something coming to them. Lord, help more of these people know that their version of Spirit Prison does not exist. More people are not going to heaven, but to hell. As Your word says, hell has enlarged itself. And I fear that Mormons are going there also. Wake them up, Jesus. I trust in You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (02/11/2023)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will be drawn to know You. This way the Holy Spirit will penetrate their lives and revere You as their King, Lord Jesus. Truly, Your kingdom is upon the earth and in heaven. Thank You for trusting in Your people, in order to allow Your kingdom to reign within us. I know that we could all be doing better, but I am grateful for those who are stepping out in faith no matter the circumstances. This is when true devotion to You is on display. Lord, remove all aspects of religion in people’s lives, while encapsulating them with Your gospel message. Many people in the world have not heard the gospel yet, so set a fire in all Your people, that this may happen sooner than later. I pray that more people are saved and go to heaven. I love You, Jesus. I give You praise and all the glory. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (02/10/2023)

Oh Lord, I pray for the sake of every Mormon who is alive now and not in hell. There is still time for them to repent and give up their false beliefs. You have waited long enough, God, for these wicked people to wake up to their sins and unbelief. Unfortunately, more people will continue to die and wake up in hell like all others in this cult. Why do I care for these people as much as I do, it is because I don’t want them to suffer in the fiery torments of hell when they die. They have a form of godliness but Your power is not in them. It is my prayer that You will feed off of this and take those who are willing to places they have never been before. There are green pastures and a state of utter peace and joy in paradise for those who love You and do Your will. I wish I was speaking of those in Mormonism, but they are the exact opposite. Lord, they are surely doing the work of Satan through their proxy baptisms, washings, endowments, and sealings. They don’t realize that they have opened the doors to the demonic realm by calling upon dead people. Call them to repentance today. I love You, Jesus. I trust in You, God. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (02/09/2023)

Oh Lord, I pray for these lost Mormons who have absolutely no fear of God. Maybe if You shook them up and down they would wake up. They need You to show them the truth. These people are asleep and under a spell from their false prophets. How is it that they deny what the Bible teaches and would rather believe in what their false teachers say instead? This is so sad. And when talking to them, all they can do is cover their ears lest they learn something about their cult and form doubts. Many of these lost people tell Christians to stop talking, lest they hear Your truth and come out of their delusion. They are leading Millions of people on a stairway to hell fire and damnation. Lord, their baptisms for the dead is such a wicked practice. I can just imagine what their sentence is for doing such evil things. Thankfully, You are God and also our judge. Do I wish that more Mormons would resign and come to real faith in You? Of course, I do. I just know that this will never be the reality for the majority of them. I will continue to reach them for Your cause, while looking for the one in the ninety and nine to have an open heart to Your teachings in the Bible. I trust in You, Jesus. I love You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (02/08/2023)

Oh Lord, I pray for Your hand of mercy. Your people have sinned greatly in Your sight, but we are sorry. Hear our prayers. Our confessions are sincere, and we know the gravity of our sins. These wicked things have pierced our hearts and now it is hard to carry on because of it. You know exactly who I am talking about. Many people have concealed these evil things up until now, but now we have become burdened because of our past. God, we have confessed our sins one to another and confess our sins to You also. It is understandable that people may not forgive us, but You are different. Jesus, You died for sins, that we might be made clean through Your blood. So clean us from the inside out, even now. Cleanse us of all our iniquities. Give us clean hands and a pure heart. We were not living for You in the past, but we are ready to now. We come in oneness together and say, I give You my life. Come and take me by the hand and lead me to green pastures. I will do as You say. Give me strength, dear Lord. I love You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (02/07/2023)

Oh Lord, I pray that Mormons will stop closing their hearts to You and Your witnesses that are in all the world. We are only trying to help them know You, but they continue to have closed minds and hearts to what is true. They see us as a threat to what they believe in, and so they prey on the weak instead of hearing out what Christians want to share with them. Even today I was reading a message I wrote about Mormonism, and immediately my family thought I was the worst person to ever walk the earth. God, this is common in this household. I don’t understand why truth hurts so much, but it does. I can still remember when I was stuck in this cult. It offended me also when I heard people speaking against what I believed in. However, now I am glad that there were people so bold as to speak Your truth, no matter if it caused certain individuals to be offended. What I know, Lord, is that it is better to be offended in this life and come to know Your truth, than to be offended in the next and have no chance at being saved. You are God, Jesus, and I am grateful that You saved me. I love You! I give You praise. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (02/06/2023)

God, have mercy upon us. We are sorrowful for our sins. Look into our souls and see that we are sincere. We no longer desire to live in willful sin but have forsaken them to live for You. God, this world is so dark and we have no defense to fight against the enemy without Your presence. Therefore, we acknowledge our need to have You in our lives. You are the one that helps us know what to do in this life that is beneficial for our souls. This reassurance from heaven is what I need in order to know that I am on the right path. Thank You, Lord, for having Your way in my life. This life is hard, but with You in my life it is easier to bear. Your peace is beyond my earthly understanding. As people mock and persecute me, You are the one that helps me endure in the faith. This life is short, but in the end, I will be with You for all eternity. This is what I live for. I love You, Jesus. I give You, praise. Thank You for saving me. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (02/05/2023)

Oh Lord, I pray that people will understand how fortunate they really are, having been saved out of the midst of this wicked world. We were once vile sinners until You found us, Jesus. We were so lost, not being any different than any other person. But then the Holy Spirit came and changed us from within. Lord, I love your beautiful creation and now appreciate what You have made for us. I am also very appreciative of my health and that I am still alive and well. People can doubt You all they want, but they will still have to give an account to You on judgement day. The Spirit declares that You are one God, and that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit exist in You. I will never understand how the trinity works perfectly, for You are all mighty and majestic and nobody can understand You perfectly. I am only Your servant, bringing souls to You for salvation. I love You. I give You glory and praise for adopting me into Zion. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (02/04/2023)

Oh Lord, I pray that more people will come to know You. Instead of basking in the things of this world, they would choose to do Your will instead. I love Your ways and only desire to see more people be saved and go to heaven. I know that this desire is not something that will happen with most people. Their arrogance and pride keep them from falling down at Your feet for mercy. This is so sad, for I know that hell is filling up daily. In death, more people go down to hell than to paradise with You, Jesus. Thank You for saving a wretch like me. I was lost and then You found me. I had nothing going for me, but what the world offered, and then You opened my eyes to my potential. Because You took my hand and placed me in Your kingdom, I have seen countless people come to know You over the years. I didn’t do any of this but the Holy Spirit did it in and through me. I love You, Jesus. I trust in you. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (02/03/2023)

Daily Prayer: Oh Lord, I pray that people will not be confused when it comes to the true gospel message from the Bible. It is hard to believe that people would tamper with this most important message. Instead of telling people that You died for our sins, Jesus, was buried, and then rose from the

Today’s Prayer (02/02/2023)

Oh Lord, I pray for an urgency to get right with You. There are thousands of more people who could be saved, but they would rather see You in Your wrath than not. How hard is it for them to see themselves as a sinner and a need to get right with You? Why do people resist You and not humble themselves at Your feet for mercy? God, if any of these people are reading this prayer now, wake them up to righteousness, holiness, and purity. Help them know that our bodies are a temple of the living God, and that we ought to treat them this way also. It is my desire to point these people to You. I lift my finger up to the heavens and say, look to Jesus and be saved. You have the power to do all things. Even to save me, a vile sinner, and awake me to righteousness. I love You, Lord. Your mercy endures forever. Have Your way in my life. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (02/01/2023)

Oh Lord, I pray for the lost people in Mormonism. They don’t realize the wicked path they are on. Their church is full of darkness and led by Satan, but they cannot see this. Instead, they send young men and women out in the world to lead Christians off of Your path and into a cult. I rebuke these false teachers, especially the missionaries and their prophets. These are the hardest people to reach for Your sake. They have set in their minds what they believe is true and convincing them of anything else takes a miracle. Even sharing verses from the Bible that speaks against their false teachings, they would listen. How is it that their false prophets have led them so far astray? It is sad to think that they would rather trust in men over what the Bible teaches. Truly, this is cult-like, and for them to say that churches in Christianity are false, leads me to believe their religion is of the devil. They have been fighting against You and Your people since their founding. I believe in You, Jesus. I trust in You alone for salvation, not men. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (01/31/2023)

Oh Lord, help us to learn to forgive others. Come and dissolve every bit of unforgiveness from our hearts. As we long for Your forgiveness and mercy, help us to forgive others in the same fashion. Not only this, God, but help us to never put up walls in our lives. And if there is any that is left up now, tear them down, peace by peace, once and for all. God, not every person in our lives will tell us sorry for what they have done and I understand this fact. But what I do know is that Your forgiveness helps me learn to freely forgive others in a similar fashion. These people may not be repentant for their sins, but as for me, I will show them love anyway. Truly, I am saddened when I hear stories of people saying such mean and cruel things about others behind their backs. This aggravates my soul, for this unforgiveness is pushing them away from that person and You. Do they not realize what they are doing is wrong? Have they not read the scriptures which say that You will not forgive us if we do not forgive others their trespasses? I believe in You, Jesus. Thank You for helping me learn how to forgive. I love You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (01/30/2023)

Daily Prayer: Oh Lord, I pray for people who are lost in the LGBTQ Community. These people love what is evil and justify their sins like there is nothing wrong. Surely, the devil has caused them to think that they have nothing to worry about. He has blinded their eyes and filled their hearts with

Today’s Prayer (01/29/2023)

Blessed and honor to Your great Name, Jesus. I honor You, dear Lord. There is no one like You. I am blessed just to know You and have Your presence in my life. Keep me steadfast in doing Your will. My ears are open to You. I receive the wisdom that You would pour out upon me. My eyes can see. There is splendor and beauty in Your awesome presence. My heart longs to have You near me. And not only in this hour but every second, minute, hour, and day. Come and dwell a while with me. My hands are open wide and can feel Your heavenly touch. Take me by the hand and guide me safely home to paradise. May my soul rise to You when I eventually take my last breath. Up and away will I ascend to the heavenly realms on high. Your Spirit speaks truth to my heart and I will obey. I can see the importance of people’s souls and showing them compassion is the least I can do for them. It is Your Spirit in me that causes me to love one another. I love You, Jesus. You are blessed and holy. I lift You up high. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (01/28/2023)

Daily Prayer: Oh Lord, I pray for those who are in countries where persecution is on the rise. I know that many people have lost their lives because of their faith in You. These martyrs have left spouses, children, family, and friends behind, which has caused many hardships. However, I know that they are in

Today’s Prayer (01/27/2023)

Daily Prayer: God, there isn’t anyone I can trust that will always judge me righteously but You. I know of nobody who has judged with righteous judgment each time like You. When it comes to me and my crimes, You have dealt with it uniquely, knowing I have broken Your laws. Have I been punished?

Today’s Prayer (01/26/2023)

Oh Lord, I pray that Your presence will be with us now. Come and abide with us, Jesus. We welcome You in our homes or wherever we may be now. Come and guide us, while giving us Your counsel from heaven. There is no better teacher on earth that we could learn from but You. You fulfill my every desire. I am able to do things that my body says is incapable of because I seek Your hand and You guide me. Thank You for being there for me. Now rest a while with me. I love the teachings in Your Word, the Bible. Continue to give me wisdom in every verse and chapter that I read. God, I cannot get enough of the Book of Psalms. I love how it is full of praise and worship to You, my Lord, God, and King. I can just imagine myself being in that time and thinking very similarly as David did when He wrote these psalms. Lord, He went through a lot and still remembered You while giving You glory and praise. He led by example on How to keep You in our remembrance daily. I love You, Jesus. I give You honor and praise. Have Your way in my life. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (01/25/2023)

Oh Lord, I give You my life. All my evil thoughts, I give it over to You. Everything I have said that was wrong, I give it to You. I am sorry. Everything I have committed that is evil in Your sight, I give it to You also. As I have broken Your commandments, I ask for Your forgiveness and mercy. The flesh is weak, but that doesn’t give me a right to justify things I have done. You know everything about me, God. Satan comes after me when I am the most vulnerable. This is because I have allowed different things to stimulate my senses over time, and the devil knows this. However, Your presence is greater and wills me to fight against the evil forces of this world. To not just give into their every whim, but put up the shield of faith. God, clothe me with Your righteousness. Dress me in Your holiness. Pour into me your Spirit. Block every evil influence in my life. Put a barrier between me and the evil of this world. My life is for You. Hear my prayers and have mercy for my soul. I die daily to myself and live for You. I love You, Jesus. I am all in. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (01/24/2023)

Give ear, oh God, to Your people. You have led the children of Israel in the past, so come and do the same for us. Shine down upon us, that Your light will scatter the darkness before us. You are our God and our strength. My high tower, and my fortress in times of trouble. Turn every person who says they believe in You, Jesus, to know You. Light up our path, Lord. You, being with us will surely light the way. If You are with us, who can be against us? We are saved from the wrath to come. Lord, if you are angry at us, please have mercy on our souls. In our tears, we confess our sins before You. Many people who are not Christians think we are strange and some even persecute us. They may laugh at what we believe in, but it is all in vain. You give us the strength to overcome. God, we do love You and pray that Your face will shine down before us. Thank You for saving us. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (01/23/2023)

Oh Lord, I pray for the cultists in Mormonism. Surely, the majority of them don’t realize how far gone they really are. This grieves my soul just to think about the path they are on. There is death and destruction for the wicked, and I fear that they will be found with them as idolaters. Surely, many of them love Joseph Smith more than You. They praise him in song like he is god. This is such blasphemy. Oh, how I wish I could reach them for Your cause. I have brought up many times how exalting themselves to godhood is idolatry, and in the same fashion is their worship of Joseph Smith. Why is it that I can find so many different things that they believe in that are false according to the Bible, and they still won’t listen? How is it that these people have become so hard-hearted? This is the question I’ve wondered about for years and have finally found out why. Thank You, Lord, for bringing this to my attention. It is because they have been brainwashed into believing that people who leave Mormonism are the “sons of perdition” that they would never wish to leave it. How becoming an apostate would mean being cast off into outer darkness after judgment. This is such a false teaching which keeps many of them from not resigning. But Lord, You can do all things as to save the least of them. I love You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (01/22/2023)

Oh Lord, I pray for those people who are being persecuted in all the world. Give them peace, so that they may be able to get through their suffering with You by their side. I feel terrible just thinking about what these people have to go through. In Your Name, there is much persecution and hatred towards those who love You. This may not be the case in countries like the United States, but in Arab countries, Africa, and many others, persecution is on the rise. Lord, I know that it has been said that trials will come our way because of our faith. And even if Your saints are not feeling the pain of this persecution now, help them to think of those who are. To keep them in their prayers, for they are not as fortunate as they are. I also pray for those bold missionaries who have stepped foot in these Islamic countries, knowing that their life and the lives of their families are at stake. But it is worth it still. If one of these people who brought pain upon Your people comes to know You, then it was worth it. If one person in their village came to know You while they were there, it was worth it. Lord, keep them safe until their journey ends. I love You. Amen.

Today’s Prayer (01/21/2023)

Daily Prayer: Oh Lord, I pray that people will stop listening to Satan. I fear that the majority of this world is already under his control and don’t even realize it. The same can be said for people who call themselves religious. Truly, the Mormon people are being led by Satan on a daily basis.

Today’s Prayer (01/20/2023)

Lord, I am saddened by what I see in Mormonism. They are truly busy working their way up to the highest degree of glory in heaven, not realizing that all this work is in vain. I have tried to talk sense into many of these individuals, but they do not listen. They are willing to bet their lives on Joseph Smith being a true prophet, even if their beliefs are not Biblical. This leads me to wonder what is going on in their minds. Are they really rethinking their beliefs when we talk to them, or rejecting us altogether, thinking Christians are the bad guys? I truly wish that these individuals would begin to think for themselves and not allow their church leaders to do the thinking for them. They don’t have to believe in what they do, but do so because of their extra-Biblical books and false teachings within their church. If only they would start to read the Bible daily without any other Books or distractions from their church for a year, then their life would be changed forever. Lord, without evil influences in our lives we can know Your will for us and also learn from You. I am grateful to be out of this cult for the last 11 years now. I had nothing going for me then, but now I have everything in order, for You are at the head, Jesus. I love You, God. I give You praise. Amen.